Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The Impostors (1998)

IMDb plot summary: Two out-of-work actors accidentally stowaway on a ship to hide from a drunken, belligerent lead actor who has sworn to kill them for belittling his talents.
Directed by Stanley Tucci. Starring Stanley Tucci, Oliver Platt, Lili Taylor, and Alfred Molina.

There's a lot to nitpick in this movie. There are probably too many nods to the camera, the pacing is kind of awkward at times, and the plot gets really unnecessarily messy, even for a screwball comedy. But when it comes right down to it, I laughed. I laughed a lot. It's not a perfect movie, but it has a great deal of charm to it. Despite its attempt to be a fast-paced, zany farce, it actually reminded me much more of Christopher Guest's mockumentaries, with the humor coming out in the quiet subtleties of the acting and the dialogue. Tucci and Platt are really entertaining, but the ensemble cast is excellent as well. I'm glad I got a chance to watch this on Netflix before it gets taken off Instant Watch in a couple weeks. It was definitely worth the watch.

4 stars.

Flickchart: #372 out of 2069, below Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs and above American Dreamz.

Rent it digitally on Amazon.

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