Friday, January 25, 2013

Pitch Perfect (2012)

Hey, it's like Glee if the writers had talent! Admittedly, this movie is not likely to appeal to anyone who really hates Glee, or the kinds of musicals made on the Disney Channel. However, it's definitely a step above any of those. The writing's smarter and funnier, the situations a tad bit more plausible, the music is more interesting to listen to, and, um, hello, Anna Kendrick, who is just freaking awesome in everything she does. The movie is absolutely cheesy, but if you don't mind your musicals a little silly, this one is thoroughly satisfying. 4 stars.

Best Part: The finals, of course. Never going to say no to group musical numbers with cheesy choreography.
Worst Part: I don't do vomit jokes. Can't do it.
Flickchart: #293, below Juno and above Life as a House.

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