Monday, June 4, 2012

Take Shelter (2011)

I loved Michael Shannon in Bug, and I love him in this. As the story progresses and I saw him alternatively giving in to the compulsions he felt and trying to explain them away, I really came to care about that character. Jessica Chastain does an amazing job in her role as well - in fact, pretty much all the acting in this movie is fantastic. The ending is left a little more ambiguous than I'd have liked in the context of this particular story, but, you know what, it didn't really matter because everything else in the movie was so powerful, it would have taken a lot for the ending to ruin the rest of the movie for me. 4.5 stars.

Best Part: The scene where she's begging him to open the shelter door. So tense.
Worst Part: As I said, I'm not quite sure about the ending. It left me uneasy. But that's my only real complaint.

Flickchart: #286, below Sense and Sensibility and above Music & Lyrics. So, uh, sandwiched in between two Hugh Grant movies.

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