Thursday, June 14, 2012

The Duellists (1977)

I enjoyed this far more than I anticipated I would. It's neither a genre nor a time period that I am generally interested in, so I was pleasantly surprised by how fascinated I was by this story. Despite being one of those stories that spreads over several years, it doesn't sprawl - it tells each segment's story quickly and concisely, and moves on to the next. I can't even pinpoint exactly WHAT about this story captured me, as it doesn't delve into characterization all that much, and that's generally what I like in movies. So I'm just going to say I liked this movie and leave it at that, since this is not the most coherent of reviews. 3.5 stars.

Best Part: I found the ending extremely satisfying.
Worst Part: With all the genteel British and French accents around them, it was always jarring whenever Keith Carradine and Harvey Keitel actually spoke.

Flickchart: #485, below The Wrath of Khan and above Caddyshack.

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