Thursday, February 28, 2013

La jetée (1962)

I didn't remember the connection to 12 Monkeys until about halfway through this flick, but, truth be told, I think I like this version better, much as I enjoy Terry Gilliam (and Brad Pitt when he's acting crazy). La jetée is short, concise, and I LOVE the use of still photos. I'm usually not a fan of avant garde films or short films, but this one has a clear narrative - always a good thing for me - and its filming style enhances the story rather than obscures it. 3.5 stars.

Flickchart: #691 out of 1871, below Double Indemnity and above Laura.

1 comment:

Travis S. McClain said...

I liked the *idea* of La Jetee more than I really cared for the execution. Its pace and length are just right to make it work, but I'd be lying if I said I gave it much thought unless someone else brings it up somehow.