Friday, January 19, 2024

Flora and Son (2023)

IMDb plot summary: A single mom at war with her son is trying to find a hobby for him. One day, she rescues a guitar from a dumpster.
Directed by John Carney. Starring Eve Hewson, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, and Orén Kinlan.

Flora and Son is the newest movie from John Carney, who always delivers charming music-centric films, most notably Once and Sing Street. This isn't quite as great as either of those, but it's still a lovely watch. Flora of the title is an irresponsible mother trying to keep her teenage son, Max, from getting himself in trouble with the law. Over the course of the movie they both discover they share a newfound love for making music. There's more suspension of disbelief required to buy into the emotional beats of this movie than Carney sometimes asks of his audience, but it works overall. The final scene is particularly charming, as other people who have played a role in Flora and her son's musical journey join them for the Big Musical Number, and it's impossible not to smile through it. Definitely worth watching, especially if stories about musicians and the arts are already an easy sell for you, but it didn't sweep me away the way I hoped it would.

How it entered my Flickchart:
Flora and Son > Skyfall
Flora and Son < Key Largo
Flora and Son > Don't Look Up
Flora and Son < Waking Ned Devine
Flora and Son < Signs
Flora and Son < The Miracle Worker
Flora and Son > The Long Day Closes
Flora and Son > Quartet
Flora and Son < Metal Lords
Flora and Son > Ping Pong Playa
Flora and Son > The Taking of Pelham One Two Three
Final spot: #1397 out of 3863, or 64%.

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