Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Fast and Loose (1930)

IMDb plot summary: A wealthy family is thrown into turmoil when the daughter falls for the family chauffeur and the son begins to keep company with a chorus girl.
Directed by Fred C. Newmeyer. Starring Miriam Hopkins, Carole Lombard, and Frank Morgan.

Fast and Loose is a 1930 romantic drama about two rich siblings who each fall in love with lower-class partners and have to navigate that social scenario. It was fun to see a very young Carole Lombard in the role of the chorus girl who falls in love with the rich young man, as well as Frank Morgan as the rich father. Other than that, though, this a pretty thin story. It depends on two different love stories and, at least in the ending, frames them as equally important, but we hardly ever see Lombard's plot -- it's maybe 2 minutes total of them interacting. The love story that does get more attention is centered heavily on him taunting her for being a useless, foolish woman, which isn't terribly captivating either, even if it's meant playfully. The final scene puts a more interesting spin on the story, but it's too little, too late in a love story with very little to lean on.

How it entered my Flickchart:
Fast and Loose < Skyfall
Fast and Loose > The Fortune Cookie
Fast and Loose < Quigley Down Under
Fast and Loose > Paycheck
Fast and Loose < The Hot Rock
Fast and Loose > Hollywood Stargirl
Fast and Loose < Spinning Into Butter
Fast and Loose > Der Parfumeur
Fast and Loose < Pal Joey
Fast and Loose < Innocence Unprotected
Fast and Loose > The Deep
Fast and Loose < And Then There Were None
Final spot: #2576 out of 3861, or 33%.

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