Sunday, August 9, 2020

Teorema (1968)

IMDb plot summary: A mysterious young man seduces each member of a bourgeois family. When he suddenly leaves, how will their lives change?
Directed by Pier Paolo Pasolini. Starring Silvana Mangano, Terence Stamp, Massimo Girotti, and Anne Wiazemsky.

For most of this film, I was antsy and irritated and ready for it to be over. I have little patience for allegorical storytelling, and that largely held true here. But for brief moments throughout, I found it oddly compelling. Seeing how each member of the family falls apart in their own way after the visitor's departure is kind of interesting, and I'm even maybe a little bit interested in what this is saying about class and status. But I think I'd have gotten exactly as much out of it from reading a detailed synopsis of the film. The cinematic language didn't connect with me more than the abstract ideas, and I did frequently find myself bored. An interesting concept that doesn't hold my interest as it plays out.

How it entered my Flickchart:
Teorema < Rushmore
Teorema > Steve Jobs
Teorema < Paper Moon
Teorema > Chinatown
Teorema < Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Teorema > Play Misty for Me
Teorema > Rust and Bone
Teorema < The Core
Teorema > Gozu
Teorema < Mission: Impossible
Teorema < Luther
Teorema < 12 Days of Terror
Final spot: #2108 out of 3186, or 34%.

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