Saturday, March 17, 2012

The Battle of Algiers (1966)

This is clearly a very important movie, and a very well-made one, which makes it more difficult to admit I didn't like it. I never know what to do with these movies where there is nothing really wrong with them except for the fact that they never connected with me. I tend to be a very intuitive movie watcher - you can analyze whether or not a movie is technically good or not all you want, but for me it ultimately comes down to what I felt about it. Sometimes that analysis can help me connect, and other times it really can't. So this is one of those movies I admire but can't say I enjoy. 3 stars because I'm never sure what to give to these.

Best Part: I actually really liked the ending. Everything seems to be resolved and then, suddenly, you get a three-minute scene telling you the rest of the story.
Worst Part: I don't know. Because it really probably was the fact that I just wasn't that interested, but that's not the fault of the movie as much as it is just a disconnect between it and myself. Ah well.
Flickchart: #936, below Pretty in Pink and above The Three Musketeers.

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