Friday, March 16, 2012

50/50 (2011)

I am all for making comedies about horrible things. As someone who deals with chronic pain, I'm a big fan of finding the humor in it whenever you can. Although my disease is not particularly life-threatening, I imagine I would ultimately feel the same way about something that was. When there's so much crap going on, you have to laugh because sometimes the alternative is completely losing it.

That's why I really loved 50/50. The characters were (overall) likable and entertaining, the situations were funny, and there were some extremely moving moments, especially toward the end, which balanced out the feel of the film nicely. It all feels like a very *human* movie... and I thoroughly enjoyed it. 4 stars.

(Spoilers in this section.)
Best Part: Actually, I really liked the moment when he finds the cancer book in his friend's bathroom. It was a little moment that isn't really touched on again (which I liked) but I found it very touching.
Worst Part: The romantic relationship between himself and Anna Kendrick was a little creepy... definitely rebound-y, if nothing else.
Flickchart: #374, below Up in the Air and above Blazing Saddles.

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