Wednesday, May 30, 2012

In the Mood For Love (2000)

Parts of this I really loved. I liked the slow build of the relationship between the characters, and I loved a lot of the little scenes with them interacting. But then the ending happened... and it wasn't that I didn't find the *plot* satisfying, but I didn't like the way it told the story. What had been an intimate, quiet, very personal story suddenly zoomed out and focused on things happening outside of the few characters we knew. It just didn't work for me, and the mood the movie had so slowly and carefully put together just fell apart for me. 3 stars.

Best Part: I really loved the scene where she rehearses confronting her husband. Very moving and sad.
Worst Part: That ending.
Flickchart: #765, below The Descendants and above The Glass Menagerie.

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