Monday, May 28, 2012

Bonnie and Clyde (1967)

I'm not generally interested in stories about crime, but I was kind of fascinated by the psychology of these characters. Faye Dunaway and Warren Beatty play a very interesting couple, and even when I wasn't interested in the actual *plot* of the movie, their interactions were extremely interesting. I also liked the simplicity of the movie, especially when it came to the ending. It told the story very matter-of-factly, without glitzing it up as much as I thought they might. Well done. 3.5 stars.

Best Part: As said above, the characters of Bonnie and Clyde.
Worst Part: I didn't really care for any of the other characters. Definitely didn't grip me, and whenever the story focused on them I kind of got bored and tuned out.
Flickchart: #807, below Misery and above Batman.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I saw this for the first time last June for a Historical Appreciation viewing challenge, and I felt much the same way. Beatty in particular oozes charm and is fun to watch but the others are grating. Hackman was fun at first, but his character's incessant, high-strung bubbling became tedious as the movie wore on and of course, his girlfriend...well, I would've shot her, given the chance. I recognize the difference between an actor's performance and a character so I can readily tip my hat to them for being so consistent throughout the picture, but the characters themselves were an absolute drain.

One thing I can say about Bonnie and Clyde is that it was nice to see that cast in their prime. Also, as a big fan of O Brother, Where Art Thou? it was nice to see one of its cinematic ancestors. I could trace specific passages to this film, and it's always nice to finally "get" an homage.

At present, it sits on my Flickchart here:

#450 Blue State
#451 Bonnie and Clyde
#452 Selena