Friday, October 21, 2011

Paranormal Activity 3 (2011)

A group of friends convinced me to go see this with them, and I figured for a series like this, it'd be all right even if I hadn't seen the first two movies. While it wasn't a completely terrible experience or anything, I have very little patience for horror movies low on plot and big on spring-loaded cats. There were only maybe two moments in this movie where I was scared, rather than just startled, and I want my horror movies to scare me. And the faux-documentary dialogue was extremely unrelatable - I hate when that stuff somehow manages not to sound real or scripted. 1.5 stars.

Best Part: The oscillating fan gimmick was actually fairly effective at building tension. The sheet scene they did with it was far scarier than any of the rest of the film. Also, the guy sitting behind us who screamed at one point, "THERE ARE NINE GRANDMAS IN THE CLOSET!" - he actually might have been my favorite part of this movie experience.
Worst Part: Whenever a cheap scare happened, especially the ones that made me think, "Well, that was a cheap scare." Then I'd just get annoyed with the writers.
FlickChart: #1326, below A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving and above Zorba the Greek.

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