Friday, September 23, 2022

Born Reckless (1930)

IMDb plot summary: Hoping to use the publicity to get re-elected, a judge sentences a notorious gangster to fight in the war.
Directed by John Ford. Starring Edmund Lowe, Catherine Dale Owen, and William Harrigan.

Born Reckless is a 1930 John Ford movie about a member of the mob who decides to go straight after getting caught, but his old friends and connections keep catching up with him. This is a slightly more interesting look at this kind of story than I expected, partly because he's still so very friendly with his old gangster pals, giving the impression that nobody has a problem with him having left... until suddenly someone does. It feels at first like a more optimistic version of this story, as if he CAN have it all, both his old friends and his new life. It does take a bit of an abrupt turn downward in the second half which feels a little disorienting and disconnected, but that mostly works thematically. This is the earliest movie I've seen from Ford, and the way he structures his film, both visually and narratively, definitely is an indicator of where he landed later -- simple but powerful narratives about people trying to live their lives. I'm not going to remember the details of this film but I hope I remember the interesting twist it put on an old trope.

How it entered my Flickchart:
Born Reckless < Hairspray (1988)
Born Reckless > The Man with One Red Shoe
Born Reckless > The Hangover
Born Reckless < Casino
Born Reckless > The Wiz
Born Reckless > About Ray
Born Reckless < The Party
Born Reckless > First Blood
Born Reckless < Deep Red
Born Reckless < Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery
Born Reckless > Once Upon a Time in America
Born Reckless > Wedding Crashers
Final spot: #2234 out of 3695, or 40%.

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