Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Billy the Kid (1930)

IMDb plot summary: In this version of the Billy the Kid legend, Billy, after shooting down land baron William Donovan's henchmen for killing Billy's boss, is hunted down and captured by his friend, Sheriff Pat Garrett. He escapes and is on his way to Mexico when Garrett, recapturing him, must decide whether to bring him in or to let him go.
Directed by King Vidor. Starring Johnny Mack Brown, Wallace Beery, and Kay Johnson.

Billy the Kid is a 1930 telling of the story of Billy the Kid and Pat Garrett, the sheriff hunting him down. This version, as noted in an opening title card written by the then-governor of New Mexico, takes some liberties with the story, though the title card also says it captures the "spirit" of the character. This particular chapter of the story follows Billy trying to avenge his boss' death while Garrett tries to get enough evidence to bring him in. Billy is played by Johnny Mack Brown and Garrett by Wallace Beery, and the two of them are absolutely the most interesting part of a pretty uneven film. Brown brings a flirty playfulness to the role, and this is probably my favorite performance from Beery, who has shown up quite a few times throughout this 1930 project. Here they are good foils for each other in their tone, and the most engaging scenes are when they are connecting. A lot of the film, though, focuses on a dull romance between Billy and a recently widowed young woman, or on the other outlaws trying to bring Billy down, and that's a lot less interesting.

How it entered my Flickchart:
Billy the Kid < Pi
Billy the Kid < 13 Going on 30
Billy the Kid > A Fistful of Dollars
Billy the Kid < Easter Parade
Billy the Kid > Young Mr. Lincoln
Billy the Kid > Palo Alto
Billy the Kid > There's No Business Like Show Business
Billy the Kid > Abraham Lincoln
Billy the Kid < Roberta
Billy the Kid > Cinderella (2021)
Billy the Kid < The Omen (1976)
Final spot: #3008 out of 3690, or 18%.

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