Wednesday, October 21, 2020

The Wolfman (2010)

IMDb plot summary: Upon his return to his ancestral homeland, an American man is bitten, and subsequently cursed by, a werewolf.
Directed by Joe Johnston. Starring Benicio Del Toro, Emily Blunt, Anthony Hopkins, and Hugo Weaving.

This is pretty dumb. It's clearly going for an eerie gothic vibe but, like so many movies that try to emulate that look, it just ends up looking gloomy. And the special effects in this just... don't work. The transformations are never scary so much as just cartoonishly gross, and the final image of the werewolf, fully transformed, was never a compellingly scary look. On top of that we have some pretty bad writing -- monologuing, abrupt changes of topic, a romance that never even came close to earning its place as a dramatic plot point in the movie's climax... the list goes on and on. And on top of ALL of this... it's just boring. It's a dull, ugly-looking movie that doesn't do a thing to explore any of the interesting questions monster movies often play with. This movie has no core, no heart, no storytelling motivation propelling it forward. It feels just kind of slapped together because, "Ooh, people like werewolves." A disappointing watch.

How it entered my Flickchart:
The Wolfman < Broken Embraces
The Wolfman < Persona
The Wolfman < Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secretes
The Wolfman > The Long Goodbye
The Wolfman > Fever Pitch (2005)
The Wolfman < Courageous
The Wolfman < Maurice
The Wolfman < Fist Fight
The Wolfman > Lockdown
The Wolfman > The Ant Bully
The Wolfman > Cemetery Man
The Wolfman < The Host (2013)
Final spot: #2927 out of 3242, or 10%.

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