Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Critters (1986)

IMDb plot summary: A group of small but vicious alien creatures called Crites escape from an alien prison transport vessel and land near a small farm town on earth, pursued by two shape-shifting bounty hunters.
Directed by Stephen Herek. Starring Dee Wallace, M. Emmet Walsh, Billy Green Bush, and Scott Grimes.

This is definitely more comedy than horror, though something about those creatures rolling along after their prey like tiny tumbleweeds IS pretty creepy. I definitely laughed a lot more than I expected to -- while it's not usually laugh-out-loud funny, there was just a consistently lighthearted tone to this that worked for me pretty much throughout, and I kept finding individual moments amusing. It isn't afraid to lean into absurdity, especially when it comes to the scenes with the bounty hunters. It's obvious how low budget this is and how much they're trying to hide that -- the little we do see of the creature design is pretty disappointing. This is one of those movies that might actually benefit from a remake -- I'd love to see these creatures turned into something more ominous now that that tech is more widely available! And it wouldn't hurt them to add in some stronger character development while they're at it.

How it entered my Flickchart:
Critters > The Firemen's Ball
Critters < The Black Cat
Critters < The Imposter
Critters < The Bishop's Wife
Critters > Wide Awake
Critters > Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory
Critters > EDtv
Critters > The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
Critters < Bridge of Spies
Critters > Black Snake Moan
Critters < Pather Panchali
Final spot: #1424 out of 3236, or 56%.

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