Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Brother From Another Planet (1984)

After I watched this movie, I looked it up online and was *shocked* to see it got a 92% on Rotten Tomatoes, since my film major roommate and I were both very, very unimpressed with it. Everything about it said crappy movie, from the unfunny jokes to the bizarre jarring transitions (more than once we asked each other, "Wait - so what just happened there?"), sound effects that appeared to have nothing to do with what was actually happening, the three instances where women I didn't care about gave long monologues about guys they were involved with (that I also didn't care about)... Nothing in this movie made sense. I couldn't pull anything out of it to be impressed with. Knowing it was supposed to be some sort of comedy cult classic doesn't change my mind on this one, although it does make me wonder what everyone else is seeing that I clearly missed. 1 star.

Best Part: Well, my roommate and I sure had fun laughing at the ridiculous sound effects.
Worst Part: Every time they went back to the bar. Least interesting characters *ever*. It wasn't even amusingly bad, just boring.

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