Monday, September 2, 2024

The Bounty (1984)

IMDb plot summary: Fed up with their Captain's harsh discipline, a sailing ship's crew decides to take action.
Starring Mel Gibson, Anthony Hopkins, and Laurence Olivier.

The Bounty is the 1980s adaptation of the Mutiny on the Bounty, starring Anthony Hopkins as the captain insistent on taking the more direct but more dangerous route to their destination, and Mel Gibson as the officer who overthrows him with the help of the crew. I watched the Trevor Howard/Marlon Brando version of this story just last year, and that one sets up Howard as fairly unlikable early on, while this one holds onto a bit more uncertainty about who is in the right. Some of that is due to the film's gimmick of being a flashback, told by Hopkins to the naval council determining whether the mutiny happened due to his incompetence, so the earliest beats of the story in particular are filtered through his eyes. (There's definitely a possibility that the entire story is *meant* to be unreliably filtered through his character's viewpoint, although the sequences following the mutineers after the split don't quite fit in with that thought.) Anyway, the actual quality of the film... It's well paced and decently acted, and I had a good time watching it, but I can't imagine it will make a lasting impact on me.

How it entered my Flickchart:
The Bounty > Le voyage au Groenland
The Bounty < Woman in the Dunes
The Bounty < The Englishman Who Went Up a Hill But Came Down a Mountain
The Bounty < Secret in Their Eyes
The Bounty > Cast Away
The Bounty < Scrooge
The Bounty < Sweet Dreams
The Bounty > The Fixer
The Bounty > My Favorite Year
The Bounty > Meek's Cutoff
The Bounty > Lenny
The Bounty > The Flamingo Kid
Final spot: #1825 out of 3957, or 54%.

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