Saturday, September 7, 2024

Africa Speaks (1930)

IMDb plot summary: Explorer Paul Hoefler leads a safari into central Africa and what was then called the Belgian Congo, in the regions inhabited by the Wassara and the famous Ubangi tribes.
Directed by Walter Futter.

Africa Speaks is a 1930 "documentary" about life in central Africa. I say "documentary" because it notably mixes actual footage of animals in Uganda with staged dramatic moments that it purports as realistic, including a vicious animal attack. Although my research led to mixed results, it's quite likely that most of the scenes featuring the supposed native Africans were also scripted and shot on L.A. sound stages. It's pretty gross to present your film as a documentary and then add in sensationalized fictional content, especially when it's contributing to stereotypes of an entire continent. There is one short scene that I loved: footage of bounding impalas. I had never seen them move like that, and I was captivated watching them spring all over the place like rabbits. Nature is cool sometimes. But a good minute-and-a-half scene of natural life does not make up for the icky exploitational nature of the rest of the film.

How it entered my Flickchart:
Africa Speaks < Le voyage au Groenland
Africa Speaks < K-19: The Widowmaker
Africa Speaks > The Mirror
Africa Speaks > X-Men: The Last Stand
Africa Speaks < Deceived
Africa Speaks < Batman Begins
Africa Speaks < Steve Jobs
Africa Speaks > The Chocolate War
Africa Speaks > Quitting
Africa Speaks > Race for Glory: Audi vs. Lancia
Africa Speaks < Annie Get Your Gun
Final spot: #3190 out of 3959, or 19%.

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