Friday, September 20, 2024

Ma vie en rose (1997)

IMDb plot summary: Ludovic is an innocent seven-year-old child who provokes horror in his community when he dresses in girls clothes and insists he's a girl.
Directed by Alain Berliner. Starring Georges Du Fresne, Michéle Laroque, and Jean-Philippe Écoffey.

Ma vie en rose is a French film about a family whose youngest son begins dressing like a girl and saying he will be a girl someday. The family doesn't know how to respond, the community doesn't know how to respond, and the seven-year-old transgender girl at the center of the story can't quite figure out how her search for identity is causing so much trouble. This is a very moving film, if a difficult one to watch at times, particularly in the moments where the daughter's new behavior causes ripple effects in the parents' lives and they blame her for being so difficult, either directly or indirectly. I was fascinated by the choice to, very occasionally, sprinkle in some fantastical elements, usually to show the young girl's method of processing her world, and while there were times where I found it jarring, I think ultimately it works, even if I can't explain what that means *actually* happened at the end of the movie. Overall, a powerful story handled very well.

How it entered my Flickchart:
Ma vie en rose > Le voyage au Groenland
Ma vie en rose > Woman in the Dunes
Ma vie en rose < The People Under the Stairs
Ma vie en rose > The Farewell
Ma vie en rose > The Fabelmans
Ma vie en rose < Black Panther
Ma vie en rose > The Kite Runner
Ma vie en rose < A Letter to Three Wives
Ma vie en rose > Zero Effect
Ma vie en rose > Cats and Dogs
Ma vie en rose > Black Narcissus
Final spot: #574 out of 3964, or 86%.

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