Sunday, September 1, 2024

The Beguiled (2017)

IMDb plot summary: The unexpected arrival of a wounded Union soldier at a girls school in Virginia during the American Civil War leads to jealousy and betrayal.
Directed by Sofia Coppola. Starring Nicole Kidman, Kirsten Dunst, and Elle Fanning.

The Beguiled is a Sofia Coppola film set during the American Civil War. An all-girls' school in the south finds a wounded Union soldier and decide to nurse him back to health before turning him in to the army. But his presence in the house begins to affect the house in unexpected ways, and things get complicated. There's an eerie otherworld-ness about this movie. It reminded me a bit of something like Black Narcissus -- a group of women cloistered from the world encountering something they were not prepared for, and their equilibrium falls apart. I did find that I had trouble telling some of the young girls apart, and I wish I'd gotten to know them a bit better to help flesh that out, but the key relationships here are developed beautifully. I love how much emotion and thought is communicated nonverbally; this truly is one of those movies where the subtext is the key to the whole thing. I haven't always glommed onto Sofia Coppola's work, but this one made me want to watch more of her because it had such a unique tone.

How it entered my Flickchart:
The Beguiled > Pete's Dragon (1977)
The Beguiled > Anna Karenina
The Beguiled < Cam
The Beguiled < Nope
The Beguiled < Wizards
The Beguiled > The Blue Angel
The Beguiled < BigBug
The Beguiled > Censor
The Beguiled > The Impostors
The Beguiled < The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas
The Beguiled > Twins
Final spot: #899 out of 3948, or 77%.

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