Sunday, September 1, 2024

Klaus (2019)

IMDb plot summary: A simple act of kindness always sparks another, even in a frozen, faraway place. When Smeerensburg's new postman, Jesper, befriends toymaker Klaus, their gifts melt an age-old feud and deliver a sleigh full of holiday traditions.
Directed by Sergio Pablos and Carlos Martínez López. Starring Jason Schwartzman, J.K. Simmons, and Rashida Jones.

Klaus is an animated retelling of the Santa Claus origin story, focusing on the spoiled son of a post office magnate who is sent to be postman to a distant northern town until he learns the value of his work. He ends up teaming up with a toy-making hermit to bring life back to the town, and the legend of Santa begins to grow. This is an odd duck of a movie, combining the sort of myth-making grandiosity of something like Rise of the Guardians with the fast-talking wise-cracking hero of most other DreamWorks movies. The former works best, and it takes over more of the movie as the lead becomes more grounded, but it's got kind of a rough start until it gets there. Once they find the right balance, I enjoy the thread of silliness that stays embedded in the story -- seeing the different Santa Claus myths pop up through very silly misunderstandings is a lot of fun, and ultimately the film lands in a satisfying place that sits just right for a cozy holiday watch. Not a perfect movie, but pretty charming.

How it entered my Flickchart:
Klaus > Le voyage au Groenland
Klaus < Kuroneko
Klaus > Kajaki
Klaus > Memories of Murder
Klaus < Gentleman's Agreement
Klaus < A Christmas Carol (1951)
Klaus > New York Stories
Klaus < Three Colors: White
Klaus > Punch-Drunk Love
Klaus < Finder's Fee
Klaus < Lyle, the Kindly Viking
Klaus > Army of Shadows
Final spot: #1192 out of 3946, or 70%.

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