Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Captain Thunder (1930)

IMDb plot summary: Victor Varconi plays a charming Mexican bandit gets involved in several conflicting paradoxical relations, including an alliance with a crooked rival bandit and a beautiful daughter of the governor.
Directed by Alan Crosland. Starring Fay Wray, Victor Varconi, and Charles Judels.

Captain Thunder is a Mexican bandit who gets caught up in an arranged engagement between a young woman and a wealthy white man, though the woman is in love with someone else. I had to remind myself of that with the Wikipedia entry, because despite that sounding like an interesting concept, I was absolutely bored out of my mind watching this, and it was nearly impossible to care about what was going on. There is a fun storytelling device in the very final minutes of the story, but that's about the only memorable piece. This movie came out about a decade after the character of Zorro began, and virtually any film interpretation of that character is going to be more worth watching than this one. If anyone is a big fan of this movie, I'd love to hear your take on it -- it's definitely one of the most forgettable viewings of my 1930 project so far.

How it entered my Flickchart:
Captain Thunder < My Week With Marilyn
Captain Thunder < Kicking & Screaming (2005)
Captain Thunder < Repo! The Genetic Opera
Captain Thunder < Martyrs
Captain Thunder > Interview
Captain Thunder > I Am Sam
Captain Thunder > Aquamarine
Captain Thunder > Clash by Night
Captain Thunder > No Greater Love
Captain Thunder > Agent Cody Banks
Captain Thunder > Snow White and the Huntsman
Captain Thunder > Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End
Final spot: #3533 out of 3767, or 6%.

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