Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Encanto (2021)

IMDb plot summary: A Colombian teenage girl has to face the frustration of being the only member of her family without magical powers.
Directed by Jared Bush and Byron Howard. Starring Stephanie Beatriz, Maria Cecilia Botero, John Leguizamo, and Mauro Castillo.

Encanto is the newest Disney release, about a magical family in a remote village in South America. We mostly focus on one daughter, Mirabel, the only one in her family to not be gifted a magical superpower, but now she's also the only one who is starting to notice that the magic they've relied on for decades might be fading. This is the third musical released this year featuring music by Lin-Manuel Miranda, so it's no surprise that the soundtrack is really fantastic. It does such an excellent job of creating the world through song. But the story is lovely, too, with a rich cast of characters (many of whom get their own song and distinct story arc) and a beautiful message about family and acceptance. The magical realism of the story brings with it levels of metaphor that will fly over kids' heads but had me thinking about them for days. It's one of those special kids' movies where it's easily entertaining enough for children but also goes a little deeper to provide a great story for adults too.

How it entered my Flickchart:
Encanto > Gas Food Lodging
Encanto > Till Death
Encanto < A Little Princess (1995)
Encanto < Broadcast News
Encanto > Taxi Driver
Encanto > The Shape of Water
Encanto < Eve's Bayou
Encanto < Picnic at Hanging Rock
Encanto > Back to the Future Part III
Encanto < Cats (1998)
Encanto < The Joy Luck Club
Encanto < Don't Drink the Water
Final spot: #708 out of 3520, or 80%.

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