Wednesday, December 9, 2020

The Babysitter (2017)

IMDb plot summary: The events of one evening take an unexpected turn for the worst for a young boy trying to spy on his babysitter.
Directed by McG. Starring Judah Lewis, Samara Weaving, Robbie Amell, and Hana Mae Lee.

This movie has an incredibly silly premise and is everything I hoped it would be -- campy and cheesy and over-the-top and made me laugh a lot. Every so often its metacommentary on high school tropes would dance right on the edge of being annoying but then would find its balance again. This is one of those movies that can go so right or so wrong based almost solely on its execution, so seeing it executed well was a real treat. I especially love the strange dynamic between the main character and the evil cult jock, who tries to encourage the kid to stand up for himself to the local bully (before then trying to murder him). It is a wild, goofy ride that completely entertained me and I'm glad I gave it a chance.

How it entered my Flickchart:
The Babysitter > Letters from Iwo Jima
The Babysitter > Chronicle
The Babysitter < Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation
The Babysitter > The Talented Mr. Ripley
The Babysitter < Dawn of the Dead (2004)
The Babysitter > Loving Vincent
The Babysitter < Jesus People: The Movie
The Babysitter > Moonrise Kingdom
The Babysitter < Jojo Rabbit
The Babysitter < 22 Jump Street
The Babysitter > Scream
The Babysitter > Red Eye
Final spot: #545 out of 3268, or 83%.

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