Friday, December 18, 2020

Fahrenheit 451 (1966)

IMDb plot summary: In an oppressive future, a fireman whose duty is to destroy all books begins to question his task.
Directed by François Truffaut. Starring Julie Christie, Oskar Werner, Cyril Cusack, and Anton Diffring.

This is a book that has lingered in the public consciousness for a long time and is still an atmospheric dystopian world, but aside from the beautiful and moving final scene, I'm not sure the film does the book any favors. The decision to cast Julie Christie in two parts was especially ineffective, as she gives essentially the same portrayal of both of them, and the script makes Montag's change of heart feel rather abrupt and unjustified. The final third or so is definitely the strongest, and as I said I truly adored the final scene, but overall it feels like a rather cold adaptation of a story about the power of art.

How it entered my Flickchart:
Fahrenheit 451 > Broken Embraces
Fahrenheit 451 < My Name Is Joe
Fahrenheit 451 < A Doll's House
Fahrenheit 451 < You Can Count on Me
Fahrenheit 451 < Hamlet (2009)
Fahrenheit 451 < Duel
Fahrenheit 451 > Hellboy
Fahrenheit 451 > The Misfits
Fahrenheit 451 < Sunday in the Park with George
Fahrenheit 451 < Monsters
Fahrenheit 451 < Dark and Stormy Night
Fahrenheit 451 < Frank
Final spot: #1598 out of 3274, or 51%.

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