Sunday, December 20, 2020

Cargo (2019)

IMDb plot summary: A young female astronaut, who joins a reclusive astronaut aboard a spaceship, struggles with her job as she interacts with mysterious Cargos that appear on the ship.
Directed by Arati Kadav. Starring Vikrant Massey, Shweta Tripathi, Nandu Madhav, and Konkona Sen Sharma.

These are likable characters, and it's fun to watch how they interact with each other and with their cargo. The plot itself is a very light one and is much more focused on the idea of exploring this world, and that is definitely the most engaging part of the story. The tedious bureaucracy of this life-and-death cycle, the casual existence of otherworldly creatures dubbed "demons," the supernatural powers everyone has, the extended lifespans you don't realize are a thing until nearly the end of the movie... It's a fascinating little future to be dropped in the middle of. And as a quiet exploration of a possible future, it's very successful. It might be striving for more, some lessons about lives worth lived or something along those lines, and it's much less successful there, but still worth a watch as a creative universe to set a story in.

How it entered my Flickchart:
Cargo > Broken Embraces
Cargo < My Name Is Joe
Cargo > Phone Booth
Cargo > Under the Skin
Cargo < The Last Metro
Cargo < Peggy Sue Got Married
Cargo > The Artist
Cargo < Seven Chances
Cargo < We're No Angels
Cargo < A Snoodle's Tale
Cargo < The Mummy (1932)
Cargo > L'atalante
Final spot: #996 out of 3275, or 70%.

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