Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Evil Dead (1981)

IMDB plot summary: Five friends travel to a cabin in the woods, where they unknowingly release flesh-possessing demons.
Directed by Sam Raimi. Stars Bruce Campbell, Ellen Sandweiss, Richard DeManincor, Betsy Baker and Theresa Tilly.

This one never, ever worked for me. It's not bad enough to be funny, either accidentally or deliberately (although I hear Evil Dead 2 IS deliberately bad enough, so I will probably go see that at some point). I'm not a fan of gore at ALL, and this is one of the most disturbingly gory movies I've ever seen. It's also ridiculous, but in an infuriating way, not a fun one. For the first hour, our hero does ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. In one scene, a demon-possessed girl attacks his best friend while he calmly stands by HOLDING AN AXE. I spent a lot of the movie yelling at the screen for him to DO something. Not an interesting or entertaining viewing experience. 0.5 stars.

Best Part: Making fun of it while I watched it with my boyfriend. Seriously, the only reason I got through this movie was because of MST3King it.
Worst Part: How infuriating it was to watch our hero DOING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.
Flickchart: #1639, below Spy Kids and above Ella Enchanted.


Travis S. McClain said...

I had much the same reaction, though I'm not really fazed by gore thanks to several years running of gorging on Horror films each October. It was during 2010's challenge that I finally saw The Evil Dead, and I have to think that its place on my Flickchart is as conspicuously high as it is because of a pro-Horror bias I had at the time. I was shocked to find:

#294 Cruel Intentions
#295 The Evil Dead
#296 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Incidentally, I saw it on 7 October 2010. It was my 13th Horror film during that year's challenge, viewed between Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man and The Last Man on Earth. I enjoyed both of those much more than I liked The Evil Dead so it's also surprising to discover their places on my Flickchart:

#483 Die Hard 2
#484 Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man
#486 Fahrenheit 451

#548 Persepolis
#549 The Last Man on Earth
#550 Spider-Man

Just to go all the way to the end of this rabbit hole, I would rank the graphic novel of Persepolis over all these movies and I would take Bradbury's novel of Fahrenheit 451 over nearly every movie, book or comic I've ever seen or read.

Hannah K said...

Aww, you saw Evil Dead on my 24th birthday.

Every once in awhile I run into a movie on my Flickchart and I have no idea how it ended up as high in my charts as it did. Wild Strawberries, my least favorite of the three Bergmans I've seen, somehow ended up in my top 250, when it definitely belonged somewhere in the 800s. I suspect I must have accidentally clicked something. I had to go re-rank it immediately.

Travis S. McClain said...

I'm sorry, but further discussion of The Evil Dead will have to wait until I find your Bergman reviews and address those.