Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Amazing Spider-Man (2012)

OK. I love Andrew Garfield. LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE him. He's miles ahead of Tobey Maguire in terms of likeability and acting skills. However, this movie as a whole is not terribly interesting. Plot points are just kind of skipped over (how is he suddenly friends with the bully at the end there?), the writing is uninspired, the villain is not nearly as interesting as he should be, the main heroine is bland bland bland... If only I could take Andrew Garfield and plug him into the original 2002 movie, it would be stupendous. The movie's worth seeing solely for him, if nothing else. Thank goodness he's in almost every scene.

Flickchart: #940, below The Wicker Man and above Repo! The Genetic Opera.

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