Thursday, July 25, 2024

Hero (1992)

IMDb plot summary: A not-so-nice man rescues passengers from a crashed airliner, only to see someone else take credit.
Directed by Stephen Frears. Starring Dustin Hoffman, Geena Davis, and Andy Garcia.

Hero stars Dustin Hoffman as a deadbeat father constantly evading arrest who just happens to be in a nearby car when a passenger plane crashes in front of him. He ends up pulling several people from the plane and disappears. Before he realizes the media is looking for him, someone else has stepped up to claim they were the savior of the plane and are reaping all the benefits of it. This movie took me by surprise a bit -- I knew absolutely nothing going into it, and found myself absolutely wrapped up in the story. Hoffman gives an incredible performance, as do Geena Davis and Andy Garcia in their supporting roles. I like that the movie was willing to lean into Hoffman's character being unlikable and a master of bad decisions, even while we were also kind of rooting for him, but it didn't suddenly make him a model human. It manages to be heartwarming without being annoying. Definitely worth a watch.

How it entered my Flickchart:
Hero > The Bat Whispers
Hero > Safe
Hero < Tucker and Dale vs. Evil
Hero > Theater Camp
Hero > Sleeping Beauty (1959)
Hero > Animal Crackers
Hero > Moonrise Kingdom
Hero < Men
Hero > Detroit
Hero > Women Talking
Hero > A Man for All Seasons
Hero < Bottoms
Final spot: #507 out of 3926, or 87%.

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