Friday, September 18, 2020

Asterix and Cleopatra (1968)

IMDb plot summary: Provoked, Cleopatra bets Caesar that she can build a big palace in 3 months. An architect is given 3 months or else. Fortunately, Getafix, Asterix and Obelix come to Alexandria to help.
Directed by René Goscinny and Albert Uderzo. Starring Roger Carel, Jacques Carel, Micheline Dax, and Jacques Balutin.

This is my 100th movie I've watched from 1968, and it's not a particularly strong one to end the challenge on. It's based on a French-language comic series popular in the 1960s. My dad grew up reading them, so we had a few of them around our house growing up. This particular one features the series protagonists, Asterix and Obelix, voyaging to Egypt to help a terrible architect build a palace to impress Cleopatra. This is most definitely a film (and comic series) for kids, with the characters being defined by single traits and the jokes being basically that one trait used over and over again. The use of racial caricatures in this video in particular has definitely not aged well. But the musical numbers are fun, and there are a few enjoyably absurdist moments. It was strange how much of the series came back to me as I watched the film, but it was better as a nostalgia vehicle for me than as a film in and of itself. The plot kind of bounces all over the place in a way that makes total sense for a kids' cartoon but feels aimless to me as an adult. If it weren't for those racial caricatures I'd recommend it for kids, but as is I'm happy to just let it sit in the vault.

How it entered my Flickchart:
Asterix and Cleopatra < 12 Monkeys
Asterix and Cleopatra > Spirits of the Dead
Asterix and Cleopatra < Ghost
Asterix and Cleopatra < Nothing Like a Dame
Asterix and Cleopatra > Who's That Knocking At My Door
Asterix and Cleopatra < In the Line of Fire
Asterix and Cleopatra < Rebel Without a Cause
Asterix and Cleopatra < The Man With One Red Shoe
Asterix and Cleopatra < Heidi
Asterix and Cleopatra < The Year Without a Santa Claus
Asterix and Cleopatra < My Favorite Wife
Asterix and Cleopatra < How to Deal
Final spot: #2311 out of 3215, or 28%.

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