Sunday, November 11, 2018

Faust: A German Folk Legend (1926)

IMDb plot summary: The demon Mephisto wagers with God that he can corrupt a mortal man's soul.
Directed by F.W. Murnau. Starring Gösta Ekman, Emil Jannings, Camilla Horn, and Frida Richard.

Like a lot of silent dramas, this one feels especially dated in its acting, but that doesn't mean it's not interesting to watch. It enhances the folk tale aspect of it and paints these characters broadly. The story itself seems to be a bit wobbly, with Faust's motivations unclear -- we go from him wanting to save the suffering from the plague to abruptly being all about chasing this woman (who clearly is not interested in him). The last half hour gets pretty muddled and not nearly as interesting as the first. Some interesting moments, but not a movie I'd jump to rewatch.

1.5 stars.

How it landed on my Flickchart:
Faust < Bye Bye Birdie (1995)
Faust > Baby Mama
Faust < Shadows and Fog
Faust > La Dolce Vita
Faust < The Librarian: Quest for the Spear
Faust < What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?
Faust < The Day of the Triffids
Faust > The American President
Faust > Bridge to Terabithia
Faust > The Spanish Apartment
Faust < Mr. Pip

Final spot: #1950 out of 2865.

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