Sunday, June 16, 2013

Struck by Lightning (2012)

IMDb plot summary: A young man recounts the way he blackmailed his fellow classmates into contributing to his literary magazine.
Directed by Brian Dannelly. Starring Chris Colfer, Rebel Wilson, and Allison Janney.

Chris Colfer is quite a talented young writer. While I don't think the ending of this movie quite works (it seems a little tacked on rather than thematically uniting the movie), he managed to avoid nearly all of the pitfalls he could have encountered during this film. It doesn't feel too cutesy or quirky, and it nicely blends serious issues with lightheartedness, all done without too much self-awareness or precociousness. Overall, it's well worth the watch, as Chris Colfer and Rebel Wilson's characters are delightful and easy to root for, and Colfer does an incredible job of playing a very likeable hero. I enjoyed this. It's not incredible, but I liked it. 3.5 stars.

Flickchart: #733 out of 1943, below The Devil's Backbone and above Hitchcock.

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