Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Fish Tank (2009)

This movie took me much longer to watch than it should have. I kept losing interest and leaving to get a snack or something and not coming back. Then I'd come back, rewind some to get back into the swing of things, try watching again, lose interest again, and so on and so on. Although by the end I had objectively decided it was probably a pretty good movie, it wasn't one I could ever say I enjoyed watching. It took me *far* too long to care about the main character and invest in her story, and I know none of this is going to stick with me. So much less than I was hoping for. 2 stars.

Best Part: The scene where she dances with her mom before leaving. That was a really nice moment.
Worst Part: How little I cared throughout most of it.
Flickchart: #909, below Manhattan and above The Prize Winner of Defiance, Ohio.

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