Sunday, December 7, 2008

Tropic Thunder (2008)

I now know why this movie inspired such love in some and such hate in others. It constantly toes the line between hilarious and completely stupid. For once, this kind of movie falls on the "hilarious" side for me. There are some great moments and scenarios, although there are definitely a lot of misses in here... but when every single scene is aimed at being funny (very few in-between filler scenes here) a few misses means that 3/4 of the movie was still funny. Robert Downey Jr stole the show as an insanely methody method actor, although Matthew McConaughey came awfully close as the cheery Hollywood agent. Right from the beginning, this movie lets you know what kind of movie you're in for... It shows four fake previews, then throws you into the goriest, least-potentially-funny material in the movie. If you don't like it fifteen minutes in, it doesn't get better. But if, like me, you kept giggling throughout those first fifteen minutes... Go ahead and keep watching. 4 stars.

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