Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Dark Knight (2008)

Christopher Nolan is a genius. He manages to take a character like the Joker, a cheesy villain who really isn't all that menacing unless you *really* buy into his comic book world, and make him a believably insane character who fits right in among terrifyingly serial killers along the lines of Hannibal Lecter, the ones who stay in our minds and haunt our dreams. He gives Batman a reason to be more than just a stereotyped superhero, all without overdramatic sequences that involve the hero getting moody and monologue-y. Christopher Nolan's Batman is the superhero I want to watch on film.

While I'm still not a massive fan of the superhero genre, I think this is probably the best of all the superhero films I have ever seen. Placing a story like this in the real world is far from easy, but Nolan makes it seem effortless. How much I enjoyed the movie was 4 stars, but it gets an extra half a star because it was done so well in ways I probably didn't even notice. While there were talented actors in here, the script made them look even better than they were. Kudos, kudos, kudos to Nolan. Keep making films. Forever. 4.5 stars.

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