Saturday, June 25, 2022

Amistad (1997)

IMDb plot summary: In 1839, the revolt of Mende captives aboard a Spanish owned ship causes a major controversy in the United States when the ship is captured off the coast of Long Island. The courts must decide whether the Mende are slaves or legally free.
Directed by Steven Spielberg. Starring Djimon Hounsou, Matthew McConaughey, and Anthony Hopkins.

Amistad is Steven Spielberg's dramatization of a real-life trial just prior to the American Civil War in which a group of Africans stolen from their homes to be slaves rise up against their captors on the sea voyage and are brought to trial once they land in the States. On the surface it seems like a pretty straightforward trial, but questions of slavery, political reelection, potential war, and international treaties to create a perfect storm of precedent that paved the way for emancipation for the other enslaved Africans in the country. This is a story I honestly knew almost nothing about, so I appreciate learning more about this case. It's also very well told, showcasing all the political motivations that pushed people in certain directions -- it's upsetting but sadly not surprising to watch this question of human life and civil rights being argued one way or another based around a presidential reelection campaign. I appreciated also that the stories of the captured Africans got some focus, though I wish it had been more prevalent, as it really is their story. Overall, a pretty solid retelling of an important part of U.S. history.

How it entered my Flickchart:
Amistad > Fahrenheit 451
Amistad > The Game
Amistad < Castle in the Sky
Amistad < The Pawnbroker
Amistad < The Secret of Santa Vittoria
Amistad < Before Sunset
Amistad < The Pirates of Penzance
Amistad < The Heart is a Lonely Hunter
Amistad < My Name Is Joe
Amistad < Till Death
Amistad < Munich
Amistad > A Room With a View
Final spot: #896 out of 3589, or 75%.

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