Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Tell it to the Bees (2018)

IMDb plot summary: In 1950s small town Britain, a doctor develops a relationship with her young patient's mother.
Directed by Annabel Jankel. Starring Gregor Selkirk, Anna Paquin, and Holliday Grainger.

Tell It to the Bees is set in 1950s Scotland, told through the eyes of a young boy whose father has run off. He befriends the new female doctor in town, as does his mother, and soon there are rumors flying that the relationship between the mother and the doctor is something beyond friendship. While this kind of forbidden love story is sometimes told in an almost lurid fashion, I liked how here it is centered initially on their friendship and companionship, only later blossoming into something more. There's a sweetness to the movie which is very charming, and when things get particularly difficult for this little family it feels just sadly *off*, like these people shouldn't have to have such a tough go of it. The sweetness grounds it, however, rather than making it cheesy or sentimental, and it keeps it from feeling overly melodramatic or exploitative of these characters' misery. It's not a spectacular film, but it is one that I enjoyed.

How it entered my Flickchart:
Tell It to the Bees > The Keep
Tell It to the Bees > Munich
Tell It to the Bees < The Maltese Falcon
Tell It to the Bees < Synecdoche, New York
Tell It to the Bees > Is It College Yet?
Tell It to the Bees < Au Revoirs les Enfants
Tell It to the Bees > The Great Gatsby
Tell It to the Bees < Sanjuro
Tell It to the Bees < Roxanne
Tell It to the Bees < Il Postino: The Postman
Tell It to the Bees < Do the Right Thing
Tell It to the Bees > Flee
Final spot: #749 out of 3559, or 79%.

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