Saturday, August 3, 2019

Kinky Boots the Musical (2019)

IMDb plot summary: A filmed version of the popular stage musical, in which a feisty drag queen attempts to rescue a shoe factory by designing fabulous and fetishistic footwear.
Directed by Jerry Mitchell and Brett Sullivan. Starring Matt Henry, Killian Donnelly, Natalie McQueen, and Sean Needham.

I wasn't at all familiar with the musical before watching this, or the original movie, so I had virtually no idea what this was actually about. It does make me want to watch the original film more than see the show live. The story itself is engaging, but the songs aren't terribly creative or interesting, and I'm not fully sold on Matt Henry as the flashy Lola (though his rendition of "Not My Father's Son" is lovely). Overall, a decent production of a not-that-interesting-to-begin-with musical.

How it entered my Flickchart:
Kinky Boots the Musical > The Illusionist (2006)
Kinky Boots the Musical < The Hudsucker Proxy
Kinky Boots the Musical < Winnie the Pooh
Kinky Boots the Musical > Hopscotch
Kinky Boots the Musical < The Last Unicorn
Kinky Boots the Musical < The Cutting Edge
Kinky Boots the Musical < True Romance
Kinky Boots the Musical > Meet John Doe
Kinky Boots the Musical > To Be or Not to Be
Kinky Boots the Musical > The Testament of Dr. Mabuse
Kinky Boots the Musical < Nine to Five
Final spot: #1293 out of 3003.

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