Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Up (2009)

This movie and Wall-E are solidifying Pixar's journey into making quality animation that is NOT just for children. In this film, Pixar deals with issues such as aging, death, letting go, and reclaiming of lost dreams. These are not themes that the average children's movie will attempt to cover. But Pixar gives us a stunning story that DOES delve into all of those topics and manages to capture a child's attention all at the same time!

The animation and story itself continue to follow Pixar's pattern of being completely original. I was particularly amused by the dogs - the obligatory cute talking animals without making them annoying, pointless wisecracking sidekicks (a la Mushu from Mulan).

Another triumph from Pixar. From what I see, the guys out there can do no wrong. 4 stars.

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