Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Multiplicity (1996)

A totally funny, inoffensive little comedy. Michael Keaton portrays his four various characters without going over-the-top with any of them. Well, okay, possibly with the last one. But that was all right. Andie MacDowell is always a thoroughly unlikeable heroine, but she is not the central character throughout this so can be easily tolerated. This is not a modern classic by any means, but not bad for a little bit of fluff. 3 stars.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I actually found part of this movie very disturbing. At one point, Andie's character has... encounters... with all of the clones, without ever finding out they aren't her husband. That just squicks me out. Otherwise, yeah, pretty inoffensive.

Also, Andie MacDowell is thoroughly unlikeable? I've always vaguely liked her, but I've only seen her in a few things.