Saturday, June 8, 2024

Weird Science (1985)

IMDb plot summary: Two high-school nerds use a computer program to literally create the perfect woman, who promptly turns their lives upside-down.
Directed by John Hughes. Starring Anthony Michael Hall, Ilan Mitchell-Smith, and Kelly LeBrock.

Weird Science is a John Hughes comedy about two nerdy high school outcasts who, with a combination of pretend science and unexplained magic, create a hot adult woman on their computer who is there to obey their every whim... or also maybe to teach them self-confidence by making them host a party. I knew going into this that this likely wouldn't age well, and OH BOY was I right. This is all about boys thinking they get to earn a girlfriend by, I guess, being confident enough and threatening biker gangs. Nothing about actually being a good boyfriend. There is exactly one joke in here that worked for me, and it was where they accidentally created a giant missile in the house because they hooked up their connections wrong when trying to make a new woman. It was so refreshing to have something to laugh at that it almost tricked me into thinking I liked the movie, but it went right back downhill again. There just aren't any likable characters in this or any good jokes. I love a lot of Hughes, but this one is just garbage nonsense.

How it entered my Flickchart:
Weird Science < Sarah, Plain and Tall
Weird Science < Cars
Weird Science < Annie (1982)
Weird Science > Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Weird Science < The Story of the Weeping Camel
Weird Science > Get Carter
Weird Science > Metal Tornado
Weird Science > Maurice
Weird Science < When Zachary Beaver Came to Town
Weird Science > Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason
Weird Science < 8 1/2
Weird Science > Shock Treatment
Final spot: #3547 out of 3902, or 9%.

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