Saturday, June 22, 2024

The Little Prince (2015)

IMDb plot summary: A little girl lives in a very grown-up world with her mother, who tries to prepare her for it. Her neighbor, the Aviator, introduces the girl to an extraordinary world where anything is possible, the world of the Little Prince.
Directed by Mark Osborne. Starring Jeff Bridges, Mackenzie Foy, and Rachel McAdams.

The Little Prince is a French animated retelling of the classic fantasy book -- or, well, more of a sort of sequel, as a young girl with extremely high academic expectations placed on her moves in next door to the aging aviator from the original. I've never been a huge fan of the Little Prince book. I know, I know, it's beloved, but it never quite stuck the landing for me. I don't think the new version sticks the landing at all either. Retelling it where the little prince is a damsel in distress feels like it undercuts the original in a way that doesn't work. Although maybe it works better than I think it does -- as I said, I never really "got" the original. I will say there are some really lovely moments. I love the animation choices for when the story of the prince and the aviator are centered -- they work best. But the modern aspect of it just doesn't work for me at the end.

How it entered my Flickchart:
The Little Prince < Sarah Plain and Tall
The Little Prince > Avengers: Endgame
The Little Prince > The Secret of Nikola Tesla
The Little Prince > Batman Forever
The Little Prince < The Ghost in the Invisible Bikini
The Little Prince < Inland Empire
The Little Prince > A Christmas Carol (2004)
The Little Prince > DeLovely
The Little Prince > The Vagabond King
The Little Prince < Journey to the Center of the Earth (2008)
The Little Prince > The Paperboy
Final spot: #2156, or 45%.

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