Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Lovin' the Ladies (1930)

IMDb plot summary: Jimmy Farnsworth (Allen Kearns) bets his friend $5,000 that he can get any two people, under the proper environment, to fall in love and become engaged within a month.
Directed by Melville W. Brown. Starring Richard Dix, Lois Wilson, and Allen Kearns.

Lovin' the Ladies is a 1930 movie in which a man makes a bet that he can make any woman and any man fall in love with each other. He's taken up on the challenge and presented a working man and an extremely snobby upper class woman. Along the way, however, his male target finds himself falling in love with the better's girlfriend instead of the woman he's supposed to be pursuing. This is a quick, light story that I had very few lingering feelings about. I had a decent time watching it as it played out, but almost immediately forgot I had seen it. There are some mildly entertaining mistaken identity moments, and our romantic hero and heroine are a nice couple, but not a lot to make the film stand out very much.

How it entered my Flickchart:
Lovin' the Ladies < Le voyage au Groenland
Lovin' the Ladies > In the Line of Fire
Lovin' the Ladies < Company (1997)
Lovin' the Ladies > Roman J. Israel, Esq.
Lovin' the Ladies < Short Circuit
Lovin' the Ladies < My Girlfriend's Boyfriend
Lovin' the Ladies > Awake
Lovin' the Ladies < Saturday Night Fever
Lovin' the Ladies < The Big Sleep
Lovin' the Ladies < Dracula
Lovin' the Ladies > Bronson
Lovin' the Ladies < Li'l Abner
Final spot: #2674 out of 3938, or 32%.

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