Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Destroy All Neighbors (2024)

IMDb plot summary: Struggling prog-rock musician William Brown finds himself in a living nightmare when he accidentally kills Vlad, the neighbor from hell.
Directed by Josh Forbes. Starring Jonah Ray, Kiran Deol, and Randee Heller.

Destroy All Neighbors stars Jonah Ray as a music studio technician who has dreams of creating his own progressive rock masterpiece, but all of that seems impossible as long as his next door neighbor turns his EDM music up obnoxiously loud. What starts as a small feud with the neighbors spirals in wild unexpected directions, and mayhem ensues. This is like... Airheads meets The Voices meets Studio 666, and I had a great time with it. It's so goofy and over-the-top, and our protagonist is such a loser of a character that we can never quite tell whether we want him to win or not, but it ends up being a very silly and satisfying arc at the end. It definitely builds to that atmosphere -- it takes a little while before we get there, but once he's got some more band members assembled, everything kicks into high gear and becomes way more fun. Overall, I had a blast with this and am glad I watched it.

How it entered my Flickchart:
Destroy All Neighbors > Love Exposure
Destroy All Neighbors > Anna Karenina (2012)
Destroy All Neighbors < The White Tiger
Destroy All Neighbors < Onward
Destroy All Neighbors < City Lights
Destroy All Neighbors > The Paper
Destroy All Neighbors > BigBug
Destroy All Neighbors > Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs
Destroy All Neighbors > The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes
Destroy All Neighbors > The Dictator
Destroy All Neighbors > Barbarian
Destroy All Neighbors < Wizards
Final spot: #862 out of 3933, or 78%.

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