Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Orgazmo (1997)

IMDb plot summary: Naive young Mormon Joe Young is recruited to act in porn movies.
Directed by Trey Parker. Starring Trey Parker, Dian Bachar, Robyn Lynne Raab, and Michael Dean Jacobs.

You can definitely see the seeds of what would later become The Book of Mormon musical in this goofy comedy, especially in early scenes where he and his mission partner are going door-to-door. My reaction to this was ALL over the place -- there are several moments that are laugh-out-loud hilarious, but there are also a lot of moments that reinforce the harmful ways media portrays sex overall, including homophobia, fatphobia, and a whole montage of comedically-portrayed sexual assault, none of which work well at all. Most of these jokes are over pretty quickly, but they definitely drag down what is otherwise a pretty funny absurdist look at the industry from a complete outsider's perspective. For those whose style of humor aligns pretty closely with Parker and Stone, it's probably worth a watch for the good moments.

How it entered my Flickchart:
Orgazmo > Dogtooth
Orgazmo < Chronicle
Orgazmo > Hoosiers
Orgazmo < The Emperor Waltz
Orgazmo > An Education
Orgazmo > 2012
Orgazmo > Prometheus
Orgazmo < Andhadhun
Orgazmo > Mr. Deeds Goes To Town
Orgazmo > The Theory of Everything
Orgazmo < The Absent-Minded Professor
Final spot: #1040 out of 3281, or 68%.

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