Thursday, May 14, 2020

Hell in the Pacific (1968)

IMDb plot summary: During World War II, an American pilot and a marooned Japanese navy captain are deserted on a small uninhabited island in the Pacific Ocean. There, they must cease their hostility and cooperate if they want to survive, but will they?
Directed by John Boorman. Starring Lee Marvin and ToshirĂ´ Mifune.

I really admire what this movie is doing, even if it doesn't always work for me. In the earliest parts of the movie the characters' erratic actions sometimes made me question whether I was correctly tracking their motives and character arcs, but I got into the swing of it in the latter half of the film and really began appreciating both actors' performances. I found the somewhat ambiguous ending to be the perfect way to conclude this story (apparently the in-theaters ending was far less so, but I can't imagine I would have preferred that over this alternate cut). It's impressive how much story you can convey with only two characters who can't talk with each other.

How it entered my Flickchart:
Hell in the Pacific > Thank You for Smoking
Hell in the Pacific < Gone Baby Gone
Hell in the Pacific > Hamlet (1990)
Hell in the Pacific > La jetee
Hell in the Pacific < Freaky Friday (2003)
Hell in the Pacific > The Boys of Paul Street
Hell in the Pacific > M
Hell in the Pacific < The Descendants
Hell in the Pacific < The Emperor Waltz
Hell in the Pacific < Topsy-Turvy
Hell in the Pacific > Under the Skin
Final spot: #903 out of 3133.

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