Monday, September 16, 2019

The Decalogue (1989)

IMDb plot summary: Ten television drama films, each one based on one of the Ten Commandments.
Directed by Krzysztof Kieslowski.

This series took me a month and a half to watch, and now I don't quite know what to do with it. I like the theme and how it found creative, not-at-all-obvious ways to explore each theme. I think #5 is probably my favorite. The overall bleak tone started getting to me even with how spread out these are, and I have the same issue here that I do with Kieslowski's Colors trilogy, in that his endings never resonate with me and so I found each piece just slightly disappointing when it finally ended. It's kind of an incredible feat of filmmaking, but I found it often difficult to watch and it will likely be even more difficult to rank.

How it entered my Flickchart:
The Decalogue > Blow Out
The Decalogue < The Lady Vanishes
The Decalogue > Winnie the Pooh
The Decalogue < Kanal
The Decalogue < Lyle, the Kindly Viking
The Decalogue > Is It Fall Yet?
The Decalogue < The Exorcist
The Decalogue < The Magnificent Ambersons
The Decalogue > Paris, Texas
The Decalogue < Sin City
The Decalogue > Sleepers
Final spot: #1073 out of 3010, or 64%.

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