I hate when it's only my dislike or apathy toward a genre that keeps me from enjoying a perfectly acceptable movie. And here it has happened. I didn't *hate* this movie, but... it's a spy movie. Which means that as clever or interesting or well-acted as it may be, it's never going to capture my attention the way it should. I struggled to pay attention all the way through, even with my beloved Benedict Cumberbatch's fairly prominent role. I'm always a little disappointed to run into these genre biases, but there's not much I can do about them. Maybe if I watch enough movies, some of these genres will click into place. In the meantime, this gets a middle-of-the-road rating from me. 2.5 stars.
Best Part: It was nice to see Benedict. And Colin Firth. I feel like I haven't seen him in anything in awhile, and I do so like him.
Worst Part: Well, the worst part of the movie-watching experience was right around when I realized I wasn't going to like this movie, but not because of the movie itself. Heh.
Flickchart: #809, below The Circus and above Quiz Show.